84 Kosh Yatra Tour Packages

We aim to restore the ancient glory of Braj culture by adopting a socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable approach towards India's pilgrimage sites and significant spiritual locations. We want to highlight Shri Dham Vrindavan and other areas of Braj as centers of Vaishnav culture, which have established a unique identity worldwide through saints, storytellers, temples, pilgrimage sites, and pilgrims.

Braj Chaurasi Kos Yatra refers to an ancient Indian unit of measurement for distance called 'Kos.' Therefore, '84 Kos' means a 252-kilometer-long pilgrimage in the Braj region, which includes Shri Dham Vrindavan, its 12 forests (Vans), and 24 groves (Upvans). This journey also encompasses many holy sites like the divine Yamuna River, the sacred hill Govardhan, Mathura (the birthplace of Lord Krishna), Mahavan, Baldev, Kusum Sarovar, Barsana, and Nandgaon.

This pilgrimage provides a divine experience, imparting knowledge about the entire life journey of Lord Krishna, his birth, mentioned locations, and his divine plays (Lilas).

Braj 84 Kos Parikrama: The sacred journey of Braj 84 Kos grants the merit of visiting the Char Dham (four abodes). When Shri Nand Baba and Mother Yashoda expressed their desire to undertake the Char Dham Yatra in the presence of Lord Krishna, considering their age and condition, Lord Krishna established all four Dhams, including Badrinath, within the holy area of Brajmandal's 84 Kos. Hence, this sacred journey of Braj Chaurasi Kos is considered to yield the fruits of visiting the Char Dham.

Special: We are greatly fortunate to have attained human birth through the grace and mercy of the Lord after passing through 8.4 million species, and we were born in India. To avoid going through the cycle of 8.4 million species again, one must undertake the Braj 84 Kos Yatra, embodying the blissful form of Lord Krishna.

The Glory of Brajdham:The glory of Brajdham has been sung in the Vedas, Puranas, and Upanishads. Great yogis and sages, after years of penance, desire to take birth in Braj. Even if they are born in any species, they wish it to be in Braj, a desire shared by the gods themselves.
"Make me a peacock, then make it in Shri Vrindavan,
I will dance and sway, pleasing you.
Make me a monkey, then make it in Shri Vrindavan,
I will jump and leap, displaying my playfulness.
Make me a beggar, then make it in Shri Vrindavan,
I will beg for alms, and eat from the hands of devotees.
Even if you make me an insect, make it on the banks of Kalindi,
I will sing Shyama-Shyam, Shyama-Shyam all the time."

हम भारत के तीर्थस्थलों और महत्वपूर्णआध्यात्मिक स्थलों के प्रति सामाजिक-आर्थिक और पर्यावरणीय रूप सेटिकाऊ दृष्टिकोण अपनाकर ब्रज संस्कृति के प्राचीन गौरव को निर्धारित करना चाहतेहैं। हम श्रीधामवृन्दावन एवंब्रज के अन्य क्षेत्रों को वैष्णव संस्कृति के केंद्र केरूप मेंउजागर करना चाहतेहैं, जिसनेसंतों, कथाकारों, मन्दिरों तथा तीर्थस्थल व तीर्थयात्री आदि किसी न किसी तरीकेसेदुनिया भर मेंअपनी एक अनूठी पहचान बनाई है।

ब्रज चौरासी कोस यात्रा प्राचीन भारत मेंदूरी मापनेकी इकाई 'कोस' थी। इसलिए, '84 कोस' का अर्थहै - ब्रज क्षेत्र की 252 किलोमीटर लम्बी तीर्थयात्रा, जिसमेंश्रीधाम वृन्दावन, उसके 12 वन (वन) और 24 उपवन (उपवन) शामिल हैं। इस यात्रा में दिव्य नदी पावन यमुना नदी, पवित्र पहाड़ी गोवर्धन, मथुरा (भगवान्कृष्ण की जन्मभूमि), महावन, बलदेव, कु सुम सरोवर, बरसाना और नंदगांव आदि के कई पवित्र स्थान भी शामिल हैं।

यह यात्रा भगवान्श्रीकृष्ण की संपूर्णजीवन यात्रा, भगवान्श्रीकृष्ण के जन्म व उल्लेखित स्थानों, उनकी लीला आदि के बारेमें जानकारी देनेकेसाथ-साथ एक दिव्य अनुभूति कराती है।

ब्रज 84 कोस परिक्रमा : ब्रज 84 कोस की पवित्र यात्रा चारों धाम की यात्रा का पुण्य देती है। क्योंकि एक बार जब श्रीनंद बाबा एवंमैया यशोदा ने भगवान्श्रीकृष्ण केसमक्ष चार धाम यात्रा करनेकी इच्छा व्यक्त की, तब भगवान्कृष्ण नेअपनेमाता-पिता की अवस्था आदि को ध्यान मेंरखतेहुए 84 कोस ब्रजमण्डल के इस पवित्र क्षेत्र मेंही बद्रीनाथ आदि सभी चारों धाम का निर्माण कर दिया। अतः इस कारण भी ब्रज चौरासी कोस की यह पवित्र यात्रा चारों धाम की यात्रा का फल देनेवाली भी सिद्ध होती है।

विशेष : हम सबका बड़ा ही सौभाग्य हैकि 84 लाख योनियों के अनन्तर प्रभुकी कृ पा करुणा सेहमनेमानव तन पाया और भारत देश में हमेंजन्म मिला। चौरासी लाख योनियों मेंपुनः ना जाना पड़े, इसके लिए भगवान्श्रीकृष्ण के ही सच्चिदानन्द स्वरूप ब्रज 84 कोस की यात्रा अवश्य करें।

ब्रजधाम की महिमा : ब्रजधाम की महिमा, जिसको वेद-पुराण-उपनिषदों नेभी गाया है। बड़े-बड़ेयोगी महापुरुष भी लाखों वर्षतपस्या करके ब्रज में जन्म लेनेकी कामना है। चाहेकिसी भी योनि मेंजन्म मिले, लेकिन वह स्थल ब्रज हो, ऐसी अभिलाषा देवता भी रखतेहैं।
मोर हु बनाओ तो, बनाओ श्रीवृन्दावन के ।
जो नाच-नाच घूम-घूम, तुमकूँरिझायेंगे।
मरकट बनाओ तो, बनाओ श्रीवृन्दावन के ।
कूदि-कूदि फांद-फांद, खेलहु दिखायेंगे।
भिक्षुक बनाओ तो, बनाओ श्रीवृन्दावन को ।
माँगी-माँगि टूक , हरि भक्तन सों खायेंगे।
भृंगी जो करौ कीट, करौ कालिन्दी के तीर;
आठों याम श्यामा-श्याम, श्यामा-श्याम गायेंगे॥

Do you have any questions?

Don't hesitate to call us. We are a team of experts and we are happy to talk to you.


Devotees Share

Shraddha Vishwas arranged VIP darshan at the temples, which made our spiritual experience even more special. We had ample time without any crowd. Shraddha Vishwas maintained excellent communication throughout the trip, keeping us informed of all plans and changes. Overall, the trip with Shraddha Vishwas was an unforgettable experience. The company exceeded our expectations in every aspect, making it a memorable journey.

Nitish Agrawal


Really had an excellent trip with Shraddha Vishwas where the car service was also fantastic. Driver and trip coordinators were very nice, cooperative and were good human beings and they were available at dot time, when needed. I would def. like to plan all my future trips with Shraddha Vishwas. The well-curated itinerary, which included both renowned pilgrimage sites and hidden gems, deepened my spiritual understanding. All the best 👍👍

Nitu Agrawal


The yatra with Shraddha Vishwas was a deeply spiritual experience, and the company ensured that the atmosphere remained serene and focused on devotion. Shraddha Vishwas maintained excellent communication throughout the trip, keeping us informed of all plans and changes. Also The yatra with Shraddha Vishwas provided a rich cultural exposure, with opportunities to participate in local rituals and traditions, which was an unforgettable experience.



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We conduct meticulously organized tirth yatras, offering pilgrims high-quality food, Satsang programs, and medical facilities for a fulfilling journey.

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